Text editing shortcuts that work on eclipse

  /* Moving the Cursor */

/* ctl + home - Move cursor to top

* ctl + end - Move cursor to bottom

* page up/down - Self-explanatory

* */

/* Selecting Text */

/* shft + up/down - Select lines one at a time

* shft + ctl + left/right - Select words

* shft + home/end - Select before/after cursor in current line

* shft + ctl + home/end - Select before/after cursor in entire text

* shft + page up/down - select whole page before/after cursor

* */


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

substring 예제: 문자열을 입력 받아 한 글자씩 회전시켜 모두 출력하는 프로그램을 작성하라

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